In this post, I write about why I want to borrow a smartwatch so badly. I talk about what led me to take up running, the various career choices I made on the way, why a smartwatch matters more to me than a medal, and how I can help you.

I’ve had an unconventional career. Over the years I've held a number of jobs post my IT job. Some of them include:

I was still feeling dissatisfied and not content with my choices. It showed up in various forms — lack of sleep, lack of interest in taking up any work tasks in a day, anxiety over a deadline, or mistakes in my marketing work. That is when I took up running. Not to forget the pandemic-induced fear of stepping out - which still persists.

Why I started running long distances?

My experiments with career choices & my pursuit of running came together around the same time. From making these number of unconventional career choices over a short span of my time on this pale blue dot — I realized I have always been re-adjusting to situations & finding my way around. It was hard not to apply the same lessons in both areas.


In 2019, a not-so-simple mistake after a long-distance run led to an injury. The pandemic happened immediately right after which led me to stop running.

Then everything changed.

A break was inevitable. I continued to volunteer at an ultra-run (any distance beyond 42kms) called Malnad Ultra. I said yes to more exciting, unconventional roles & got comfortable with being uncomfortable.